Tumeric is a spice that we have all know about; after all, we use it to make that wonderfully vibrant yellow spice. Though turmeric is generally known for its physical health benefits — especially its anti inflammatory and antioxidant properties — it also has deep spiritual meaning in different cultures. It has been used for many centuries in culinary, medicinal, sacred rituals, spiritual healing, and purification. The bright golden hue symbolizes enlightenment, transition and inner wisdom giving it a strong, spiritual use.

The sacred root, turmeric, is revered in many Eastern spiritual traditions for its protective, healing and cleansing properties for negative energies. Related with deities, rituals of purification and to seek out higher consciousness. In this article, you will learn about the spiritual benefits of turmeric, how to use turmeric for spiritual healing, clarity, protection and enlightenment.

Spiritual Significance of Turmeric

Turmeric is known widely in India as the prime herb of the goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, abundance, prosperity. In different rituals it is used to invoke her blessings and to create positive energy. Turmeric’s association with Lakshmi makes it something of a wealth symbol, not only material wealth but spiritual abundance as well. It is golden because it is pure, it has the color of divine wisdom.

For centuries, turmeric has also played an important part of Hindu religious rituals. Used in wedding ceremonies, religious offerings and in purification rituals for blessing of people and sacred spaces. Turmeric is a symbol of the sun’s energy and it is said to be able to warm, light and clarify the spiritual seeker’s way.

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Because of its grounding properties, its ability to stimulate the solar plexus chakra (the energy center associated with personal power, vitality and confidence) makes it an ideal herb for those wanting to tap into their inner strength and wisdom.

 1. Purification and Cleansing

Turmeric is well known for its cleansing properties, not only for physical detoxification but for the energetic body. It’s believed to clear negative, blocked and stagnant energy from your mind and spirit and provides spiritual renewal. Turmeric can be used in many spiritual practices to clear away impurities and to create a clean, sacred space conducive to meditation, prayer or rituals.

How to Use Turmeric for Purification:

– Turmeric Meditation: When you mediate, place a little piece of turmeric root or turmeric powder in your hand to absorb its purifying energy. Sense the golden light of that turmeric cleansing your aura, ridding it of any negative emotions, thoughts or attachments, making space for new growth and good energy.

– Turmeric Smudging: Bundling dried turmeric with other purifying herbs such as sage or cedar makes a turmeric infused smudge stick. Use this to smudge your house, your belongings or your body, to clear out negative energies and create sacred protective space.

– Turmeric Bath: Cleansing your energy and releasing emotional or spiritual blockages can be done by adding turmeric powder to your bathwater. When you’re in the water and you’re soaking in the water, imagine yourself enveloped in the healing light of the turmeric, letting go of whatever that no longer serves you.

 2. Healing and Restoration

The physical healing use of turmeric has a long history, but its spiritual benefits are just as profound. The spiritual healing properties of the root are renowned and are particularly helpful for folks who are working with emotional wounds or trauma. Turmeric can assist in clearing energetic blockages allowing a free flow of vital life force (prana) and restore balance in the spiritual body.

Along with healing emotional wounds, turmeric is also thought to assist those who are trying to heal from spiritual disconnection or confusion. It can help to bring clarity, focus to the mind and insight, especially to those who feel distance from their Higher self or divine purpose.

How to Use Turmeric for Healing:

– Turmeric Healing Ritual: Make a sacred space and use turmeric to bring healing energy back. Light a candle, sit quietly and put a little bit of turmeric on a plate or in a bowl. Pick up your intention of healing of any sort, whether emotional, spiritual or physical, and picture turmeric’s healing energy flowing into your body and spirit.

– Turmeric Tea for Clarity: There are many wonderful things you can do with turmeric, but drinking turmeric tea is a great way to get its healing energy into your daily life. This ritual cleans the mind, calms the emotional distress and brings inner peace. You can put honey, lemon or ginger into the tea for more flavor and spiritual benefit.

– Turmeric Infused Oil: Make a turmeric infused oil and rub it on the body where you are feeling emotionally or spiritually unrest. Massage in the oil as you think about the healing and returning of balance to your energy field.

 3. Protection and Shielding

In many spiritual traditions turmeric is considered a powerful protective herb. According to belief, it builds an energetic shield around the person, which prevents the person from being exposed to negative energies, psychic attacks or spiritual disturbances. Though it is their bright, vibrant color that implies the light of the divine, some believe it works as a barrier to any unwanted or harmful energy.

Turmeric has long been used in Indian culture to mark thresholds inside the home or in a temple to keep evil spirits and evil influences out. The root is also used in charms, talismans and rituals to protect spiritually and to avert harm.

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How to Use Turmeric for Protection:

– Turmeric Protection Talisman: Put a small piece of turmeric root or pinch of turmeric powder into a protective charm or amulet. Hanging it in your home or keeping it close to your body will protect you and your space from negative energies.

– Turmeric Energy Shielding: Place a piece of turmeric in your hand and meditate on it creating a shield of light around your body. This shield will protect you from psychic attacks, or emotional energy drain, or other types of external harm.

– Turmeric Smudge for Spiritual Protection: Turmeric is useful to use in your smudging practice to protect your home or sacred space. To clean your space and create a shield of protection burn turmeric powder with other protective herbs like sage or frankincense.

 4. Enlightenment and Heavenly Connection

Turmeric is one of the most powerful spiritual benefits of turmeric and can greatly enhance spiritual enlightenment and link the practitioner to higher levels of awareness. Since it is associated with the sun and can stimulate the solar plexus chakra, this is a great herb for spiritial awareness and drawing you closer to god.

Turmeric is supposed to be used for the spiritual being as it illuminates the path of the spiritual being, leading to the purpose of the being and deeper truths. Turmeric opens the mind, activates the solar plexus, and encourages self confidence and the courage to pursue one’s higher calling.

How to Use Turmeric for Spiritual Enlightenment:

– Turmeric Visualization: When meditating try to focus on the golden energy of Turmeric to awaken your higher consciousness. Imagine the yellow light expanding out of your body at your solar plexus and occupying your entire body, turning on your connection to divine wisdom and to enlightenment.

– Turmeric Ritual for Inner Wisdom: Use turmeric in a ritual asking for guidance from the divine or your higher self. You may decide to write down questions or intentions on a piece of paper and then put turmeric on top of it, asking that clarity and wisdom arise.

– Sun Salutations with Turmeric: Turmeric can be incorporated into a daily practice of sun salutations, or other yoga rituals, to channel the powerful solar energy of the sun into your spiritual practice. These times can teach us to feel a little gentler on ourselves, as you hang out in the poses, visualising yourself becoming more connected to your inner light and divine purpose.

 5. Manifestation and abundance

Many spiritual traditions regard turmeric as a herb that draws in prosperity, abundance and good luck. The color bright golden color symbolizes wealth and abundance, it also serving as a perfect tool for manifestation and intentions. Practitioners can use the fruit in many manifestation rituals to help them stay in the energy of abundance and bring prosperity into their life.

How to Use Turmeric for Manifestation:

– Turmeric Abundance Ritual: Use turmeric in combination with other prosperity enhancing herbs, such as cinnamon or basil, to create a ritual to manifest abundance. Put some turmeric on your altar, light an abundance green or yellow candle, and concentrate on what you desire for your material and spiritual wealth.

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– Turmeric Prosperity Bath: Cleanse and attract abundance by adding turmeric to your bath water. While you soak in the turmeric infused water, you set the intention to open the flow of prosperity into your life, and begin to attract both material wealth and spiritual fulfillment.

– Turmeric and Affirmations for Manifestation: Turmeric is something you can use to amp up your affirmation practice. When you repeat affirmations for abundance, put a small piece of turmeric in your hands or somewhere nearby to increase the manifestation energy.


Turmeric is a very powerful spiritual tool and has a lot of applications, from purification and healing to protection, enlightenment to abundance. The sun resonates with its golden energy, which will give warmth, clarity and spiritual light to everyone who uses it. Regardless of what you’re trying to clear from your energy, connect deeper with your higher self or manifest your desires, turmeric is your ally on the spiritual road.

By bringing in turmeric into your spiritual practice it gets to access its powerful transformative energy, to support you with healing, protection, and personal growth.

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